
We constantly hear these words, but what is what, and how do we know the differences?

Obsession is an idea/thought that continually preoccupies/intrudes a person’s brain.
Addiction is a Condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity.

Obsession is focusing on just one thing. It prevents important things from entering your life. Obsession, being obsessed, or having an obsession is a constant urge on a fixed idea, or a fixed sensation/passion that is not needed. You desire one thing, but it isn’t needed by our body, it is; however, a feeling of need that is triggered by your brain, due to persistent thinking of the thing you are obsessed to, you neglect common everyday things: like eating, taking a bath, tending to your children, taking care of yourself, or even sleeping. An obsession is a thought, or a craving of something you cannot have.

Addiction is behavior that interrupts normal activity. It is a state of mind, in which, your body thinks it needs to function. A chemical alternation takes place within the brain. This triggers the wanting for that object/substance. Addiction can also be doing certain things that in the long run you already require yourself to do it, so you feel normal. Addictions are in everyday life from porno, gambling, food, sex, computer use, games, work, or exercise. These are just a few of everyday things we do/could do.

One that obsesses by worrying about their looks and an addiction to spending money on beauty supplies at the risk of not paying the bills. In addition, an obsession is a thought and an addiction involves a compulsive behavior. An addiction is something you cannot live without; an obsession is the craving of something you cannot have.

Do you have an obsession/addiction?


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